Mar 26, 2020
Is base rent for commercial real estate contracts due given the coronavirus crisis and government mandatory stay in place restrictions? Is Force Majeure a get out of rent payment escape card? Are there any other commercial lease provisions that tenants can turn to for rent relief?
In today's podcast, attorney Eric...
Mar 24, 2020
We are in the midst of the corona virus and government
restrictions forcing most businesses to work from home. How
can you keep your brand and company active while working from
home? How can you let your customers and potential new
customers know you are open for business.
In today's podcast, author and commercial...
Mar 23, 2020
Is rent still due this month because of the interruption from Corona Virus and mandated shelter in place regulations? Author and commercial real estate veteran Jorge Morales of Blue Box Real Estate explores common lease provisions to unearth answers for business owners regarding payment of rent.
Discussion includes:...