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Commercial Real Estate Talk Podcast

May 28, 2021

Is the Amazon boom a positive or a negative for the industrial markets?  What's the impact to small business?  What happens if Amazon slows down its growth or experiences a set back?  In today's podcast we consider the Amazon effect to commercial real estate and we take our talents to South Beach and consider the Miami...

May 21, 2021

The first quarter in 2021 produced several large leases and renewals in South Florida.  In today's podcast, we consider the largest deals signed in 2021, and we discuss the top publicly traded national CRE firms office outlook for the rest of 2021.  

Tune in to this weekly look at commercial real estate news...

May 14, 2021

South Florida investment deals have heated up again after a one year pause due to the pandemic.  In today's weekly look at commercial real estate news, we focus the podcast on the major office buildings and investment grade properties that have traded in recent weeks.  Today we discuss:

  • Top sales of the quarter
  • Weston...