Oct 15, 2017
On today's podcast, author and business owner Jorge Morales addresses the question - to rent or own my office space. Receive valuable insight to determine if your company is lease favorable or owner favorable.
Enjoy a speech by Jorge Morales given to a group of attorneys regarding leasing or owning real estate.
Oct 15, 2017
In today's podcast, author and business owner Jorge Morales interviews Don Crow, founder and principal of The Absaroke Corporation, a project management company in S. Florida.
Learn how a project manager can smooth the construction process and ensure your space is built out on time. Don Crow can be found at
Oct 14, 2017
In today's podcast, author and business owner Jorge Morales interviews attorney Jeff Roth of Roth and Scholl to discuss key yet ambiguous lease provisions found in commercial office leases.
Please visit us at www.dontsignthelease.com and don't forget to subscribe to the show! And don't forget to get your copy of Jorge...